Aluminum and sustainability

A strong connection

Aluminum and sustainability

A strong connection

Aluminum and sustainability

A strong connection

We pave the way for sustainable value chains

For socially responsible and ecological production

Strict criteria for our suppliers

The sustainability of our aluminum plays a decisive role because we are aware of our responsibility towards people and the environment. That is why we rely on defined processes that we continuously improve. This is why we work intensively on aluminum profiles from a sustainable value chain.
For us, sustainability starts with the procurement of aluminum.
aluminum. With this in mind, we have selected our global suppliers according to strict criteria. In this way, we reduce the CO2 footprint of our aluminum products without compromise, from the source through our processes and production to the end product.

Our goals by 2030

Transformation strategy resulting in a new concept for production and products. The aim is to gradually reduce the CO2 footprint of our aluminum.

Our goals by 2044

Complete decarbonization for CO2-neutral production.

Our roadmap for sustainable apt products

Decarbonization as the main goal

Already realised

  • CO2 e-balance drawn up in accordance with the GHG Protocol Corporate Standard
  • Provision of a database
  • Optimization of process management

Measures in implementation

  • Strategy for decarbonization
  • Reduction of the CO2 footprint of the input material to 4 t CO2 per 1 t aluminum
  • Identification of the most important sustainability components
  • Circular resource efficiency
  • Transparency in the supply chain
  • Further optimization of measures already taken
We are participating!
08. - 10.10.2024

Take the opportunity to experience the latest innovations and technologies in the industry fisthand

From October 8th to 10th at the ALUMINIUM Exhibition 2024 in Düsseldorf!

Together for sustainable aluminium – suppliers and organisations

Together for sustainable production

A sustainable value chain for aluminum starts with the raw material. That’s why we source aluminum exclusively from suppliers who meet our strict criteria and produce near our site to save energy during transport. In this way, we keep our CO2 footprint as small as possible from the very first step. Our suppliers must therefore

  • Use hydropower and geothermal energy to reduce CO2
  • Recycle secondary aluminum.
  • Guarantee security of supply.
  • Have expertise in research and development for specific applications.

Certified for sustainable aluminum:

In order to meet our own high standards for a sustainable aluminum value chain, we have only been sourcing aluminum ingots from suppliers certified according to the ASI Performance Standard since 2023. This international standard defines criteria for sustainability along the entire aluminum production chain.

In order to work exclusively with sustainable suppliers, we do not rely solely on certificates. We also check our suppliers via EcoVadis. This independent assessment platform provides ratings that companies around the world can use to improve the sustainability of their value chains, including us in relation to aluminum. Our suppliers have been assessed since 2022.

ISO 14001

ISO 14025

ISO 50001

IATF 16949

Paving the way for CO2-neutral aluminum

We and our suppliers not only meet defined sustainability standards in aluminum production and processing – we also set them through memberships in central umbrella organizations and associations. Here, we actively contribute our experience and expertise in order to hold other competitors to account. In this way, we are committed beyond the boundaries of our own company. For example, in the German Aluminum Association and the Association for Surface Finishing of aluminum to jointly develop solutions for the efficient recycling of aluminum. We are also a member of these organizations:

Not just “nice to have” – sustainable aluminum as an economic factor

Conserving resources, reducing costs

The responsible use of resources is an essential component of efficient processes in every industry. Of course, this also applies to our production. We take measures to combine our economic activities with environmental awareness. This not only results in a low CO2 footprint. We can also offer our customers the highest quality at an attractive price-performance ratio.

Aluminum recycling – the basics

Compared to other metals, such as steel, aluminum is particularly sustainable. Recycling requires only five percent of the energy needed to produce primary aluminum. The quality of the recycled aluminum is at the same high level – and of the same quality. What’s more, the residual materials produced during recycling can be melted down again and reused. In combination with its long service life, aluminum offers all the prerequisites for CO2 -neutral processing.

Reducing CO2 emissions through recycling

An important pillar in reducing our CO2 footprint is our own remelting plant in Monheim. Here, up to 100 percent of the extrusion waste is remelted into billets. This produces a huge 18,000 tons of recycled aluminum scrap every year. Further measures in the area of resources are

  • Use of low-carbon aluminum
  • Use of sustainable aluminum from strictly selected external recycling companies

Analysis of biological diversity 2024

For the conservation of biodiversity

How we preserve the local ecosystem

CO2 -neutral aluminium is not our only goal. We also want to preserve biodiversity at our sites, because the diversity of species in local ecosystems is of great importance. In order to be able to align our actions in this sense, we have carried out a biodiversity analysis for the sites in Roermond and Monheim together with renowned experts.

The analyses for our product plants will follow at the end of April 2024.

Do you have questions about apt products and sustainability?

We focus on transparency, joint commitment and the major goal of decarbonization. Our experts for environmental protection and sustainable aluminum will be happy to answer your questions and provide you with information. Just get in touch with us, we look forward to hearing from you!

Would you like a personal consultation?

Contact us now!
Manon Gahmann
Manon Gahmann
Director CSR & Compliance